Quick, long lasting and easy to apply

RevEng is proud to offer the market what it describes as the best Headlight Restoration product on the market.
“At RevEng we only want the best products that are available on the market so to achieve this sometimes we need to import a product even it means sourcing it from over 12,000 kms away,” RevEng Auto Supplies Director, Andrew Nicholls, said.
“As most workshop staff would know, more and more headlights are required to be polished than ever before, whether it is due to low quality polycarbonate lenses or the harsh Australian sun or a combination of both perhaps? Whatever the reason may be, some car manufacturers appear to be more prevalent than others.
“After many trials we believe we have the best Headlight Restoration product on the market that is quick, long lasting and easy to apply.
“Our workshop customers often cannot believe their eyes as they challenge us to restore the worst of the worst headlight lenses, and the time it takes to perform the job (all of five minutes) is a massive bonus for them too.”
The RevEng Headlight Restoration Kit does not require any sanding, polishing or taping up of paint work and does not require any further treatments once complete.

The two-part kit is made up of two pretreated cloths known as Part One and Part Two. Part One removes the yellow oxidised stains and then once dry (two minutes), Part Two, a single use Ceramic Coated treated cloth, creates the clear lenses and protects for a period of up to 18 months.
“We have come across many workshops that have a sanding and buffing kit that they purchased for hundreds of dollars, only to have it sit in a box rarely used as it is very time consuming and requires pre application preparation,” Andrew said.
“Once they see our process they always say ‘I will never use my sanding and buffing kit again.’
“The ease and speed at which this job can be completed is very important to workshops as it allows them to complete Rego inspections in a timely manner and or add it as part of a service without effecting their time efficiencies.
“The only real drawback with the restoration process is it cannot get wet within the first 24 hours as it needs to cure for long lasting success, so rainy days can mean rebooking in the car for another time.”
For a free demonstration, contact RevEng by calling 0419 488 895 or emailing info@reveng.net.au
For more information, visit www.reveng.net.au