Just like you keep your bank accounts details secure, your business systems need protection as well

Megabus recommends you review the following five areas:

Who can access functions in your business systems? 
For example, who can enter credit notes, adjust payment methods (for example, cash and EFTPOS), or have access to finance arears or inventory costs?
Megabus recommends that new staff members should have minimal access, while trusted staff members are generally granted higher access.

Does every sales staff member have their own secure access code to enter a transaction? 
It is important to know who entered stock, quoted a customer, and finalised a transaction so that you know whom to follow up with if there is an issue.

Is your EFTPOS terminal integrated? 
Megabus recommends you ensure that refunds and payment methods are authorised and properly accounted for, and customers’ credit card details are not stored.

Do you know how to check an audit trail if a fraudulent transaction is entered? 
It is critical that your business system has an audit trail that provides the date, time, salesperson, and location of each transaction.
If a transaction looks suspicious, you need to determine whether there is repeated behaviour or an isolated incident.
Repeated behaviour may require you to provide evidence with a detailed audit trail for any forensic investigation.

At the end of the day, do you review your reports to ensure you are aware of any unauthorised activity?
For example, transaction reversals, booking cancellations, and low GP sales should be reviewed so you can follow up with the individual salesperson.
By carefully monitoring access, using secure methods for transactions, auditing suspicious activities, and regularly reviewing reports, Megabus says you can safeguard your business from potential risks.
The company recommends you take the time to review these five areas and implement the necessary security measures in your business.

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