Driven by a passion for automotive and people, Barb Harrison is a leader within the automotive aftermarket industry

Despite being told she would ‘never amount to anything’ as a high schooler, Barb Harrison has built an enviable career in our industry which today sees her as the Chief People Officer with Amotiv (formerly GUD Holdings).
With such discouragement from her teachers, Barb left school at the age of 16 and started working for a service station and workshop.
“That was the first six years of my working life and I loved it because of the interaction with all of the people, and of course because it involved cars,” Barb explains.
“A sales role followed and it was while in that role that I came to understand the power of good people management and that the discipline of Human Resources even existed.
“I had found my passion and with that, a desire at the ripe age of 25 to head to university to study Human Resource Management as part of a Bachelor of Business.”
Barb landed her first role in the automotive industry before she had even finished her studies.
“The degree I chose required a placement in industry and I was keen to do my placement at Ford as they were in the final stages of winding up their vehicle manufacturing in NZ,” Barb said.
“It might sound macabre, but it is not often you get exposure to something as significant as that from a people perspective, and Ford were enacting the closure with the utmost care for their people, which impressed me.
“After bugging them relentlessly, I joined Ford for a six-week placement to complete my degree and long story short, nine years later I left Ford after being offered a permanent role halfway into my placement.”
The career with Ford provided a fabulous grounding for Barb, who held six different roles throughout her tenure with the automotive giant, including a three year stint working at the Broadmeadows assembly plant, and then in Geelong.
“After Ford I worked in the Electricity Industry – another great industry which is integral to keeping a country moving,” Barb said.
“I started with that business as the leader of the HR and Safety team in what was in effect a ‘greenfields’ opportunity as the focus on those business disciplines had been limited up until that time.
“When the opportunity to broaden my contribution to the business arose, I leapt at it and took on the role leading Corporate Services, including some functions that were completely new to me, which made for a fantastic learning experience.
“That role led to me joining the NZ Transport Agency to lead the people and culture and business support teams and ultimately, the significant transformation program that was underway at the time.”
It was following this role that Barb had the opportunity to join Amotiv, which at that time was known as GUD Holdings, to lead its People and Culture space.
“I love the impact I get to make through the contribution I make here at Amotiv,” Barb said.
“I can quite honestly say that my role at Amotiv has been the best so far as it has huge scope and opportunity to make a difference for people and the organisation – and that is what I am all about!
“As a proud Kiwi, born and raised in New Zealand, it is also the best of both worlds, in that New Zealand is my home, and I also get to have exposure to the wider business world of Australia, and beyond,” she added.
Alongside her passion for people, lies Barb’s enthusiasm for all things cars.

“I have absolutely always been into cars. I was raised by my father and if you wanted to talk to dad about anything, it meant hanging out in the shed while he worked on something or other,” she said.
“That theme continued with a partner who was into classic American cars and who was a very talented mechanic and car builder. Together we owned several hot rods and classic cars.
“My husband and I currently own a 1968 Pontiac Firebird and we both enjoy crewing on a friend’s Pro Mod drag racing team on weekends as well.”
Unsurprisingly, Barb encourages those starting out in the industry to take up any opportunity they can.
“Throw yourself at every opportunity that can see or that comes your way and get curious about the industry and how it works,” Barb said.
“Talk to people who have been in the industry for some time but also decide for yourself what the future of the industry should look like and then relentlessly pursue that!
“I am not one for regrets. For myself when it comes to things I did right, I really think heading to Uni as a mature student despite feeling like a ‘fish out of water’ is something I really got right; as is making the call to join Amotiv. I had another opportunity I was also considering at that time – I definitely got that choice right and I feel very privileged to be a part of our business.”
Amotiv was formed in 1983 as GUD when it was founded by industry pioneers Harry Sharples, Arthur Harford, and Bill Ryan, who came together to form an informal alliance.
This was the inception of what would grow into a global entity with Amotiv Limited (formerly GUD Holdings Limited) having been listed on the Australian Securities Exchange for over 60 years and included in the S&P ASX200.
Today its brands include Ryco, Projecta, Narva, DBA, Australian Clutch Services, Hayman Reece, Rolla, Wesfil, East Coast Bullbars, Innovative Mechatronics and Infinitev, plus many more
“Our origins lie in the automotive aftermarket. From the early days of more than 85 years ago manufacturing chemicals and filters, we have expanded the portfolio through strategic acquisitions and continuous innovation,” Barb said.
“During the 1990s and 2000s, we acquired iconic Australian brands to create a diversified portfolio of businesses, and in recent years, we have refocused the portfolio on our roots in automotive, becoming an automotive pure play business – a key decision in making us what we are today.
“In 2024, we announced our new divisional restructure and rebranded to Amotiv Limited, a name that reflects our commitment to motion and innovation. The name is derived from a creative play on the word ‘Automotive,’ encapsulating our dedication to this sector and our ambition to be at the forefront of industry innovation.
“The entrepreneurial spirit of our founder Bill Ryan still permeates through our business today and this along with our commitment to investment in our people, product innovation, brands, and customer service support our ability to evolve our business model to accommodate the ever-changing global environment.”
When it comes to its competitive advantage, Barb unsurprisingly points towards the company’s people as the key.
“We are a group of businesses specialising in the automotive aftermarket industry, each within their own right being owners of market leading brands. At the heart of this are our incredible people,” Barb said.
“Beyond this we have an enviable suite of iconic automotive product brands and we continue to grow and to create and build high-quality automotive products and solutions that meet the needs of our customers on a global scale.”

Of course, there are challenges, but Barb is confident Amotiv is ready for whatever comes its way.
“Boasting more than 1,900 team members, 40 global locations, 16 manufacturing sites, three divisions, and over 50 market-leading brands, we carry the weight of our legacy, driving forward with a commitment to quality, innovation, and excellence in the automotive industry,” she says.
“All business comes with challenge – and with these opportunities – and we are in a privileged position to have many and varied opportunities for growth as a business. The challenge that comes with that of course is deciding where to place our resources!
“Having said that, I don’t think anyone in business at the moment would say it is easy going – the choppy macro environment in which we all are operating, and have been for a while now, certainly presents its fair share of challenges!
“Amotiv stands as a pure-play automotive company with a robust portfolio and a rich history of innovation, strategic acquisitions, and market expansion, and we are excited about what lays ahead.”
As well as being a critical part of Amotiv, Barb is also a member of the Steering Committee for AAAA Women, a program focused on advancing opportunities for women in the automotive industry.
“I am incredibly passionate about the automotive industry and want to see as many people as possible have an opportunity to experience it. This initiative is key to that,” Barb said.
“We have great talent within our business and the opportunities are huge. It seems crazy to me not to ensure that 50 percent of the population are aware of these.
“As a kid who was told by their high school teachers that I would never amount to anything, it frustrates me hugely when limitations are placed on people.
“I want all people to have as many choices and options as possible and this initiative is about making sure that girls and women (and indeed anyone) can see our vibrant awesome industry as a possible choice for them.
“Driven by a collaboration of like-minded people from our industry, we want to both support the incredible women we already have in our industry and also increase the pipeline of future talent. When we do this, all businesses within our industry, whether small or large, will benefit.
“The initiative is not about tokenism; it is about creating opportunities that mean the industry as a whole advances. I love that we have been able to come together to collaborate, under the umbrella of the AAAA, for the betterment of the industry.
“We are so very appreciative of the support of the AAAA in this regard. As our peak industry body, the AAAA plays a unique and key role in bringing together the discretionary efforts of those on the steering committee, and beyond, to work on initiatives like ours, that are focused on making the industry the best it can be, and future proofing our industry,” she added.
Speaking of the AAAA, Amotiv is a long time member of the Association.
“As our industry body, the AAAA are a key stakeholder for our business. In addition to the fantastic networking opportunities, expos and information sharing, the advocacy and representation by the AAAA is a significant benefit,” Barb said.
Away from the office, Barb enjoys spending time with her family – husband Dave, and daughter Lauren.
“Dave is a panel beater, and you guessed it, loves cars. Lauren works in the airline industry and can pack a parachute (pretty useful for stopping a drag car) like a demon and cook a mean BBQ on race days,” she said.
“Beyond that I have an awesome sister and brother who I am very close to.”

To learn more about Amotiv, visit www.amotiv.com