The AAAA is cautiously optimistic about the government’s long-awaited skilled migration strategy, expected to be revealed shortly Imagine a technician with more than 20 years of experience in the UK..
AASRA is the Scheme Adviser for the Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Information Sharing Scheme Act 2021 The Australian Automotive Service and Repair Authority (AASRA) continues to work diligently to..
The company is moving to a new, larger office and warehouse building with increased safety and sustainability Gates Australia, a leading manufacturer of application-specific fluid power and power transmission solutions,..
The new facility is located in in Merrifield in Victoria To substantially shorten lead times and increase service to customers, distributors, independent stores and original equipment manufacturers in Victoria, New..
As part of the AGM, a new Board Member was welcomed The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) is pleased to welcome a new director to the AAAA Board.BAPCOR Trade Executive..
The new facility will cater for higher distribution demands in Melbourne Century Yuasa Batteries, which says it is Australia’s oldest and most recognised battery manufacturer, has recently celebrated the opening..
The competition will be held across December 14-17 Formula SAE-A will move closer to Melbourne for the 2023 event and will be held at Calder Park, which is being transformed..
Australasia’s largest automotive cooperative, Capricorn, has reported another year of outstanding business growth and success Capricorn says it returned $82.8 million in value to its 26,000 plus Members across Australia..
Australian automotive technicians will have an unprecedented opportunity to ramp up their diagnostic skills at the Expo, thanks to two of the world’s foremost diagnostic experts The highly anticipated 2024..
The company was recognised with an FBA Excellence Award for 2023 At Family Business Australia’s 25th anniversary celebrations in Melbourne last month, CoolDrive Auto Parts was presented with the VIC/TAS..