In this article, AutoTest discusses the significance of calibration in the modern workshop

In today’s modern workshop, where precision is crucial, regular maintenance and calibration of electronic instruments play a pivotal role.
Typically, quality workshops require several electronic instruments, particularly if conducting roadworthy testing. These instruments might include brake-fluid testers, suspension meters, brake testers/decelerometers, windscreen-tint testers, shock-absorber testers, sound-level meter, 4-5 gas emission analysers, and headlight aimers.
These instruments all require regular maintenance and calibration, and some might not even be able to be used without a current calibration.
Calibration is vital as the accuracy of measuring devices tends to degrade over time due to wear and tear or external factors such as mechanical or electrical shock.
Calibration involves comparing the instrument’s measurement to a known standard, with the standard’s accuracy being ten times higher than the measuring device being tested. It ensures that instruments deliver accurate results, preventing costly errors and hazardous situations.
Measuring devices should be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, after any mechanical or electrical shock, and periodically (annually, quarterly, or monthly).
Neglecting calibration can lead to hidden costs and risks, potentially overshadowing the expense of calibration itself. Reputable companies can provide regular calibrations to ensure measurements remain within acceptable ranges.
Regular calibration not only enhances safety and reduces errors but also helps maintain standard requirements and certifications.
Accredited calibration laboratories, like NATA in Australia, adhere to international standards, guaranteeing compliance and boosting a company’s reputation. Choosing a trustworthy calibration service is essential to avoid adverse effects on the company and its standing, says AutoTest.
AutoTest is an Australian-owned manufacturer and distributor located in Kensington, Victoria. It is an award-winning company specialising in automotive testing and diagnostic products.
AutoTest says its NATA-accredited, ISO 17025-certified calibration laboratory and ISO 9001 manufacturing plant ensures top-quality products, designed and assembled in Australia.
Its product range includes a combined gas and opacity analyser, a variety of AutoStop brake-performance meters, the AutoStop suspension meter, the AutoTest sound level meter, the AutoLight light transmission meter, a brake-fluid tester, and a battery analyser.
For more information contact AutoTest Products on 03 8840 3000, email or visit