Protecting both new and used diesel 4WDs has never made more sense, says Direction Plus

Australian used vehicle prices jumped by 18 percent over the last year, bringing their astounding increase in value since the COVID-19 pandemic began to 79 percent, says Direction Plus.
While used vehicles were once a cost-effective way to acquire the vehicle you want, now they represent significant investments that warrant a high level of protection traditionally afforded to new vehicles.
Further confounding drivers today are new 4WD vehicle lead times, now commonly quoted in months and in some cases years.
At least one manufacturer has added a “new vehicle availability” portal to their website apologising to customers and offering customers a way of determining lead times.
Today’s 4WD driver must assume their vehicle may be worth more and they may need to keep their vehicle for longer, therefore the need to protect the vehicle is stronger than ever.
Direction Plus explains that its range of quality 4WD specific aftermarket products are designed with protection of your vehicle at front of mind.
It says the core range of Pre-Filter Water Separator kits, Provent Oil Separators (catch cans) and Automatic Transmission Coolers are a must for anyone wanting to protect their 4WD vehicle investment.
Direction Plus Fuel Manager and PreLine Water Separator kits
Offering immediate protection from water and contaminants in fuel, the Direction-Plus Water separator kits are an innovative pre-filter system for Diesel fuel systems that ensure a high degree of water separation and particle pre-separation.
The PreLine kits include a remote multi-stage water alert. With a water separation efficiency of 100 percent (based on 150μm droplet size) and a long service life, Direction Plus says these kits meet the specifications set by leading manufacturers of Diesel fuel injection systems.
The Fuel Manager version features a high level of water separation and a glass bowl providing a visual indication of the water captured. Water and Common Rail Fuel systems do not mix – the repair of a Common Rail Fuel system contaminated with water can easily reach $15,000.

Direction Plus ProVent Oil Separator (catch can) kits
Providing protection from oil and soot contamination, the Direction-Plus ProVent system is designed to separate and redirect oil and air from blow-by gas produced from within the crankcase.
This combination of oil and exhaust particles from the EGR build up to a point where they block inlet manifolds and valves, resulting in reduced engine performance and/or failure.
The Direction Plus ProVent kit protects your diesel engine by substantially reducing the amount of oil entering the engine from blow-by gas.
Direction Plus TransChill Automatic Transmission Cooler kits
The Direction-Plus TransChill Transmission Cooler kit is designed specifically to reduce excessive transmission heat caused by towing, carrying loads, and driving in sand, snow, off-road or hot conditions. This an economical and efficient way to help protect 4WD vehicles against costly transmission repairs.
The Direction-Plus TransChill Transmission Cooler can reduce the temperature of the ATF by as much as 33C. A reduction of just 11C can double the life expectancy of the transmission, ATF, and all internal components.
Direction-Plus says its website includes a vast range of additional quality 4WD specific aftermarket products and states a visit to this website is essential for those seeking to enhance and protect their recreational or commercial 4WD vehicle.
For more information, visit www.directionplus.com.au