The team behind the Don Kyatt Spare Parts Sydney Warehouse has received a prestigious award

The Project Management team responsible for Don Kyatt Spare Parts’ state of the art facility in Marsden Park, in Sydney’s North-West, have been awarded a prestigious NSW High Commendation for Project Management from the state government.
Starting work on the project in early 2020, Adam Wright from Building Principals undertook the challenge of working with Don Kyatt’s teams across two states, throughout various pandemic lockdown periods, to complete the project.
Working with Don Kyatt’s management, Adam and his team were able to provide schematics and concepts, navigating through issues brought about from power lines, easements, setbacks, the slowdown of building permits and supply issues due to the pandemic, and held all design meetings online to finally deliver the new premises in May.
The Don Kyatt Spare Parts Sydney warehouse is located at 5 Ultimo Place, Marsden Park, and is built on a large 4500m2 site. The building features two adjoining warehouses, providing ample space and covers an area of a little over 1900m2.
The landscaping features bottle trees and timber totems of varying heights, to give the building an organic, outback feel.

This outback theme is complemented by a red stone “corroboree” area at the building’s main entry, and a visually striking façade which features an aboriginal painting from long term Terrain Tamer customer, Kurun Warun, that has been digitised and laser cut onto a steel sunscreen, which spans the width of the building.
Titled ‘Dry Water,’ the painting pays homage to the roots of Don Kyatt’s Terrain Tamer brand, and depicts Terrain Tamer’s various locations as billabongs across the outback and beyond, as a symbol that customers are never far away from the company’s network and support, wherever their travels take them.
Adam Wright notes the screen as a point of difference that sets the building apart as a standout project.
“The Aboriginal input into the screen and the inspiration for the landscaping gives the building an element of soul and timelessness which is very hard to do with a modern building,” Adam said.
“It has turned what could have otherwise been just another building into a truly meaningful connection to what the brand represents.”
The showroom of the building is a museum of sorts, housing both the original Dry Water painting, as well as Milo2, one of the most recognisable 4WDs in the industry, which was purchased specifically for the building.
Building Principals also managed the expansion of Don Kyatt Spare Parts Head Office, and the Terrain Tamer Hut project, and this award adds to the Australian Institute of Building Award that was also recently awarded for the Hut.
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