Thinking today’s high-tech cars don’t need a tune-up is a false economy

Today’s tune-ups are very different to those of yesteryear; there are no points to adjust, no carburettor to tweak, but nevertheless a tune-up is essential to keep the vehicle running optimally.
A small ‘problem’ with today’s ‘thinking’ machinery is that the ECU compensates for irregularities.
Where you once could hear a ‘ping,’ the ECU feels the problem and adjusts to deal with it and often dealing with it means the vehicle seems to run well when in fact it is using more fuel and lacking performance.
A driver doesn’t necessarily feel the detuning as it is gradual – they will feel it in their hip pocket though when the problem overwhelms the vehicle’s ECU and becomes a major repair.
Preventative maintenance with a new fashion ‘tune-up’ service will keep problems at bay, says Envirotek.
One of the biggest issues on diesel vehicles comes about due to the EGR valve, which recirculates exhaust gases back into the intake manifold.
Over time the intake manifold becomes coated with soot, thereby reducing the air mass volume. This combined with the oil in the manifold creates a real mess.
As the carbon builds in the manifold, the motor slowly chokes. The ECU is now compensating for the reduced airmass volume, thereby continuing the detuning, resulting in loss of performance, economy, driveability, and poor emissions. Eventually the vehicle will struggle to even run.
The customer may not notice this gradual decline in performance, but often it becomes a major issue with the only option being to pull the manifold off and perform a manual clean.
That can be a costly exercise for the customer, but it can be avoided with regular cleans, leading us back to the modern-day Tune-Up service.
Envirotek says bringing this to the attention of your customer is an effective way of ensuring they understand the consequences of not having tune-ups as part of their service.
Cleaning the manifold will maximise performance and fuel economy and your customer will notice the difference in their hip pocket and under their right foot, says Envirotek, which states it is a simple way to explain to customers that a tune-up is becoming a fundamental part of normal servicing.
Once the vehicle has had its tune-up, it will breathe properly again. The ECU can reset parameters to take this into account.
Envirotek says instant results can be achieved by using a scan-tool to reset the airmass volume or it may take several trips for the car to relearn and retune.
Either way, Envirotek says it will become obvious that the vehicle drives with increased pep and improved fuel economy.
Envirotek Diesel Power Boost (DPB) is detergent based, making this product safe to use – Envirotek states that by introducing flammable products into the intake of a diesel engine, you are introducing a product that can ignite under pressure and risk run-on.
Run-on could end in major damage or a dead motor. Envirotek states its DPB will not cause run-on as it is detergent based and due to how easy and safe this product is to use, it is a one-person job in the workshop.
DPB is sprayed directly into the intake manifold using the EnviroKleen canister. It can also run pre-turbo, which is often necessary especially with European vehicles, meaning you can get the product into the system without creating a huge amount of work for the technician.
Envirotek says it is always advisable to perform the clean in a well-ventilated area, however it states the added benefit with DPB is the low odour emitted during the cleaning process, explaining there is little to no noticeable smell associated with the Envirotek Diesel Power Boost.
Airmass volume reduction doesn’t just happen to diesel vehicles, petrol cars often suffer as well.
Companies now employ direct injection petrol engines, often causing carbon build up on the back of the valves where once fuel from the injectors in the manifold would clean the valves.
Envirotek says as a mechanic you can hear the pre-detonation ping and this is something to point out to your customer.
It notes it is especially pronounced if the customer is using low quality fuels, and states detailing the benefits of a Petrol Power Boost tune-up will educate the customer on vehicle maintenance.
Envirotek says its products will perform this essential tune-up service on both diesel and petrol vehicles with minimal effort and maximum safety and efficiency.
Envirotek is Australian made and made for the trade, offering “a safe and simple solution.”

For more information, contact Envirotek QLD at www.envirotek.net.au or Atlantic Oil NSW/VIC at www.atlanticoil.com