Airbag Man has some insider insights to share

Airbag Man says when customers come to its team enquiring about suspension upgrades, often they’re either unsure what they need, or they just don’t have all the information to make an informed choice.
The options can seem overwhelming, and customers frequently lean on the industry to help cut through the noise or provide a definitive solution.
But when the answer depends on so many different factors, how do you navigate this?
After almost 30 years of selling air suspension in Australia, Airbag Man says it is pleased to share the following helpful information to keep in mind when dealing with customers considering suspension modifications.

  1. Underestimating the benefits of on-board air control
    Airbag Man says you would be surprised by the number of people who approach its team at shows that already have airbags but are keen to add on-board air functionality to their setup.
    These customers realise the benefits of being able to adjust their airbags more readily as load and road conditions change, inflate and deflate tyres on the go, pump up inflatables, and more.
    While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with starting small, with Airbag Man noting that its kits are purposely designed to be modular so you can choose the ideal control and components for your needs, the team says its experience shows most customers consider adding on air control sooner than later.
    Being able to preempt this need and offer a more complete solution up-front will ultimately save the customer time and hassle down the track.
  2. Overlooking maintenance
    Despite the critical role air suspension systems play in ensuring a smooth and controlled ride, many people often overlook the importance of regular maintenance.
    With air suspension, it is not just a case of ‘set and forget’ – neglecting routine checks can lead to reduced performance and product lifespan, not to mention the time spent troubleshooting.
    By managing these expectations up front, Airbag Man says you can help to ensure customer satisfaction and safety over the long term.
  3. Underrating variability
    Particularly when people are towing or carrying load, they sometimes completely disregard airbags as a viable solution, thinking only big heavy springs will do the job.
    Then when they are unloaded, they are left with a lifted rear end and a stiff ride.
    Airbag Man explains airbag helper kits are designed to work with both factory and aftermarket suspension setups, so even if heavier springs are going in, helper bags can provide that extra bit of comfort and adjustability.
    Alternatively, Airbag Man says customers sometimes overlook the benefits of having an adjustable system that can accommodate varying loads as needs change.
    For example, towing a work trailer day-to-day and a caravan occasionally, or having a loaded canopy during the week that’s then empty on weekends. It says with airbags, you don’t have to be stuck with ‘worst case scenario’ all the time.
  4. Understanding what airbags don’t do
    There is a lot of misinformation around when it comes to air suspension, so sometimes you’ll need to allay misplaced resistance or correct some misunderstandings.
    After 30 years and thousands of satisfied customers, Airbag Man says it can confidently say that airbags do not explode or bend chassis when used correctly.
    Nor do they negatively impact the vehicle’s articulation, as they are designed to support the factory suspension whereby the shocks will max out before the airbags do.
    And while airbags allow you to carry load more safely, it is important to note they do not increase the vehicle’s GVM or tow ball capacity.

Air suspension is one of the most versatile aftermarket modifications people can make to their vehicles. All being well, Airbag Man hopes these insights will help the next time you’re helping a customer weigh up their suspension options.
Airbag Man says it has been “Australia’s leader in air suspension since 1995, designing and manufacturing more than 1,200 vehicle-specific air suspension systems.”

For more information, visit or speak to an Airbag Man specialist by calling 1800 247 224.