Professionally published and hassle free digital or print catalogues build brand loyalty and drive repeat business

When the brakes on your car need attention you get them looked at by an expert repairer, and when your computer breaks down you get it looked at by an IT professional, so Pole Position Productions asks, why do so many businesses try to publish their own catalogues?
We all know that professionally produced catalogues are a brilliant way to regularly inform consumers about new and existing products and they are a great strategy to continue to put your brand in front of your customers and drive repeat business.
And Pole Position Productions says you shouldn’t let anyone tell you that print is dead, stating that in fact, smart businesses have realised that print is still a great way to gain cut through in the marketplace, especially at trade shows.
However, wasting your time trying to come up with those perfect few paragraphs can be time consuming, and when you can’t get what you want to say across in print, it can be frustrating.
In addition, the time to take all those images for a catalogue could be spent more wisely in other areas of your business.
And then there is also the need to find time to liaise with printers or digital platforms and again you could be using this time to be making sales or sourcing product.
Pole Position Productions says it is so easy to instead have it done by professionals, stating it is not an expensive exercise, especially when you consider how much your time is worth.
The company invites you to let it take the hassle out of producing your catalogues, stating it can prepare professionally produced catalogues which reflect your business’ corporate image and communicate your product offering direct to your customers.
Pole Position Productions has built up relationships over the past 20 years with printers and has direct access to its own photographers and graphic artists.
The organisation also has experience with digital platforms should you decide that print is not for you.
Pole Position Productions says it will work closely with you or your marketing team to make sure the end product reflects your corporate image and is up to your standards.
Pole Position Productions can discuss a competitive price for you, which will depend on how quickly you want your project completed, as it has affordable print partners in both Australia and overseas.

For more information, call Pole Position Productions on 03 9372 9125 or visit