mycar is striving to spark the beginning of many successful future automotive careers

As part of an ongoing campaign to attract more females to the industry, mycar recently hosted 30 inspiring students from Ravenswood School for Girls for an early career event.
As one of Australia’s largest employers of automotive apprentices, mycar say it is dedicated to not only encouraging more young people to choose automotive as a career, but also empowering women and breaking stereotypes in the automotive industry.
During the visit, the students met with some of mycar’s impressive female apprentices, along with its Managing Director, Adam Pay, and Chief People and Culture Officer, Fiona Murphy.
During the activities, discussions and workshop tour, the students were curious and engaged.
The mycar team were impressed by the many insightful questions asked about tailoring their career paths to fit their goals, as the students explored the many career opportunities at mycar and in the broader industry.
Throughout the visit, mycar showed the students how the automotive industry is evolving and innovating, and more specifically how mycar is breaking down traditional barriers and creating a supportive, inclusive environment full of fun and excitement.
By focusing on growing and nurturing its own talent, mycar says it is shaping a brighter future for both its business and the automotive sector as a whole.
Some of the feedback from the students included, “the day gave me insight into the range of jobs available at the company”, “I learned what this career looks like in everyday life”, “careers such as high level CEO can be reached through starting in an apprenticeship and at TAFE, where you can work your way up,” and, “I have learnt to do what you love.”
mycar says it is delighted that a few of the students have shown interest in joining mycar in 2025 as school-based apprentices, stating this is a great way for students to complete the first year of their apprenticeship and set themselves up for the career they want while completing their Higher School Certificate in NSW.
For mycar, this is the first of many early career events that will be held in 2025, and into the future, with mycar stating it hopes this sparks the beginning of many successful future careers in the automotive sector.
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