The Group has appointed a 20-year veteran of the automotive industry to the role

Evan Black has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer for the Aeroklas Asia Pacific Group (AAPG), taking the reins from 3 March 2025.
AAPG says Evan has extensive senior leadership experience across numerous industries including the automotive industry.
His career spans roles in Sales, Marketing, General Management, and Managing Director/CEO positions in both privately owned and large listed companies, including having worked within AAPG’s flagship TJM business.
He has also worked for numerous well-known automotive businesses such as GUD, AMA Group and Kingsley Enterprises.
His breadth of experience also extends beyond the automotive sector, having also consulted to government, corporate, and SME businesses.
AAPG says the new appointment will be key in continuing the organisation’s strategic growth plans and building AAPG’s automotive brand portfolio with stakeholders both in Australia and in markets across the globe.
AAPG Chairman, Sally Vitoorapakorn, is pleased with the new appointment and excited by the future opportunities for the organisation.
“Evan is a visionary leader who has the capability to see AAPG deliver on our strategic goals and continue to deliver exceptional value to our customers,” Sally said.
“His extensive experience in the automotive industry means he is ideally placed to grow our organisation both locally and to drive further growth in our international markets.
“We are excited to welcome him to our team and look forward to the positive impact he will have on our customers, suppliers and all our business stakeholders.”
Evan is eager to begin in the new role, keen to continue to grow the AAPG portfolio and engage with the business’ stakeholders.
“I thank the team at AAPG for giving me the opportunity to lead the organisation,” Evan said.
“I’m looking forward to connecting with the organisation’s customers and suppliers and delivering significant value for all stakeholders.
“Brands like TJM, Tough Dog, Bocar, XGS, and Flexiglass all have huge value and heritage particularly in the Australian market and the potential for significant upside growth.
“AAPG has a strong base strategy that I am excited to build upon and clear direction from the organisation’s board empowering the leadership team to deliver significant growth.
“This is a truly an exciting opportunity and I’m keen to get started and hit the ground running.”
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