The ACIA and Griffith University are undertaking a long-term research program

A new research report says only 44 percent of advertised jobs in the automotive industry were filled in the past year, showing the huge skills and workshop capacity gap the industry faces.
The research report commissioned and released by the Australian Collision Industry Alliance (the ACIA) was prepared by the Centre for Work, Organisation and Well Being at Griffith University by Professor Paula Brough and her team as the first stage of a major research program.
The ACIA says the long-term research program is expected to be conducted over a number of phases, with this report being the first phase capturing existing industry and like industry information and key factors.
Subsequent phases will feature in field data capture and analysis, benchmarking, policy review, recommendations, and best practice identification and information.
“Research has been done in the automotive sector in bits and pieces over the years, and the ACIA Board felt that gathering that information into one place was the best place to start the ACIA’s research program,” said Sarah Moynihan, a Director of the ACIA.
“Members of the ACIA want to know what works ultimately, rather than throwing hopeful darts at the problem.
“With a multi-phase report program, we can narrow the focus to just those things that work, and those things that are really getting in the way of the sustainability of the industry’s workforce needs.”
Sarah says the report will be available in full on the ACIA website, and the ACIA and researchers for Griffith will be presenting the early findings at industry and member forums in the coming months.
The ACIA and Griffith are currently working on scoping phase two of the research program, which will be a deep dive on the specific factors raised by the phase one literature review.
“Good information is so vital to making cost effective decisions about programs and industry support,” Sarah said.
“The ACIA is committed to making this information freely available to the industry and stakeholders, as it continues to develop its role in promoting the collision industry as a great place to have a long term and varied career.”

The report will be available at

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