From Ryco for Toyota 1GDFTV 2.8L engines

When asking workshop mechanics how often they service the secondary fuel filter on a Toyota 1GDFTV 2.8L engine, the Ryco team says they found that not many of them knew what Ryco was talking about.
This engine however is fitted with both primary and secondary fuel filters.
This is why Ryco has developed the new R2885P Secondary Cartridge Fuel Filter for Toyota 1GDFTV 2.8L engines.
Where the primary fuel filter maintenance is performed using standard servicing protocols, Ryco says the lack of awareness around the secondary fuel filter’s existence is compounded by the fact that it only needs to be serviced every 70,000 kms.
Servicing at shorter intervals is always recommended depending on driving habits or if contaminated fuel is detected.
Servicing prevents future driveability issues, as it assists with cleaning of the 5th injector, preventing increased oil dilution and providing filtered fuel to the separate DPF fuel injector, which ensures complete DPF regeneration.
A lack of servicing can also be associated with awareness of the secondary fuel filter.
With it being located beneath the intake manifold, it is already in a fairly hidden and hard to reach spot, made harder by the lacklustre instructions found in the workshop manual.
To assist with servicing and installation of the R2885P, Ryco also developed a fitting instruction video that can be found on their YouTube channel which demonstrates just where the secondary fuel filter is located for those who are servicing one of the applicable vehicles.
Ryco’s R2885P Secondary Cartridge Fuel Filter is designed to extend engine life, filtering down to four micron at 99.97 percent efficiency.
The new R2885P Secondary Cartridge Fuel Filter can be found at all good Ryco stockists.
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