Defibrillators are highly recommended for those working on EVs

If you service Electric Vehicles (or intend to), you will have seen the new Australian Standard AS 5732:2022 ‘Electric vehicle operations – maintenance and repair’ which recommends the immediate availability of a Defibrillator in a workshop environment where any electric vehicle is undergoing repairs to its electrical systems.
The stats are compelling – approximately, 30,000 Australians suffer sudden cardiac arrest each year, explains Integrity Health and Safety.
Integrity Health and Safety says a victim of a sudden cardiac arrest may have less than a 10 percent chance of surviving unless there’s a nearby defibrillator and a willing (even untrained) bystander prepared to administer CPR and the device. This action may result in the victim’s survival rate exceeding 70 percent.
The Australian Resuscitation Council recommends a defibrillator be placed within a three-minute round trip of a cardiac emergency.
While the traditional workshop environment is often physically challenging, the risk to technicians from EVs is far greater than from traditional vehicles.
Creating a safe EV workshop means technicians must wear appropriate PPE, including 1000V-rated insulated gloves and insulated boots, and your workshop must have insulated matting on the floor and defibrillators installed.
Recommended defibrillators are those that are intuitive to use and provide prompts to guide you through the process.
Integrity Health and Safety says it is one of Australia’s leading suppliers of defibrillators and invites you to contact its team for help with next steps by emailing or calling 0417 401 828 – noting a special offer is available for AAAA members.
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