From 1 January 2025, the Vehicle Repair Service and Retail Award (VRSR Award) has been varied to limit the amount of time an employee can be classified at the RS&R adult level 1 classification

The variation took effect from the first full pay period that started on or after 1 January 2025.
The variation requires that an RS&R adult level 1 employee is reclassified as a RS&R adult level 2:
• within a period of three months; or
• earlier when the employee has obtained the skills to perform the work within the scope of a RS&R adult level 2 classification.
Employees classified at the adult level 1 classification are paid less than the National Minimum Wage and this variation clarifies that the adult level 1 classification is intended only to be a temporary induction/entry level classification.
The variation to the VRSR Award is shown in underlined and italicised text in the table below.

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